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Continued from the Pages story...

When a law-abiding citizen, someone who’s had little or no contact with criminals, witnesses a police officer acting aggressively towards someone on the street, they often get the impression that cops are violent people who enjoy preying on victims. But the reality is just the opposite. Bystanders at the scene, unaware the man was armed, must have wondered why it was necessary for a police officer to tackle someone who was so badly wounded.

As Steve was reporting the incident over his radio, several people ran up and pointed to a Jeep that was stuck in traffic. “The people in that Jeep shot this guy,” they said, pointing to the man who was still laying in the street in a rapidly growing pool of blood. If they were right, Steve knew the people inside the Jeep would be heavily armed.

Zallo and his partner stayed with the handcuffed suspect while Tommy and Steve ran towards the Jeep. There were three men inside. The cops ordered them out of the car and told them to keep their hands high in the air. When they searched the vehicle they found two machine guns, an AR-15, and a semi-automatic handgun. These were heavily armed criminal suspects even by New York City standards. They were only two hours and a half hours into their shift and they had four suspects, two machine guns and a semi-automatic.

Read More about Steve Bonano