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Continued from the Spotlight story...

Joe was destined to become a detective, a job he says he loves more now than when he started. His older brother John, a legendary investigator with the Brooklyn North Detective Squad, showed him the importance of accuracy and detail: that everything in the report had to be right and that you had to memorize the details so they became part of your brain.

Joe hits the streets as a rookie in the 77th Precinct in Brooklyn, one of the most dangerous areas of New York. There are lows and highs. He’s forced to shoot and kill a man with a knife who stabbed his partner in the face. A simple gun collar results in the arrest of a man wanted for a number of brutal rapes.

Joe solves the Zodiac murder case – a six year investigation that resulted in the arrest of a man who shot nine people and killed three before he was caught. Joe’s interrogation skills combine compassion and respect which results in confession after confession. His life on the job is all about hard work and determination to bring justice to the people who inflict harm on others.

Read More about Joe Herbert